speaking of learning

What's happening at Speaking of Learning

What a busy time we had over January!  People buzzing in and out of sessions!

Four intensive groups ran:

  1. older teens/young adult social skills (8 hours over 4 days)
  2. yr 8 ‘study camp’ working through the school text, ‘The Giver’ (16 hours over 8 days)
  3. yr 3 social skills (8 hours over 4 days)
  4. yr 4 language group (8 hours over 4 days)

In addition, individual intensives ran for literacy development – an hour a day, four days a week, over four weeks.

It is remarkable how much change can be achieved when intervention occurs intensively.  And it is cost effective as we can provide the service for a reduced cost.

“He has improved so much over the holidays.  Thank you! “  (from a teacher’s aide, who worked with the student last year and this year).

School holidays are an opportune time to do intensive language and literacy work:  students and clinicians have the time, the students are ‘fresh’ and therefore learn better, skills can be built on with little revision needed from one session to the next, AND parents are quite glad for their kids to have a worthwhile activity to participate in!

I love the opportunity school holidays provide!
