speaking of learning

Adults With An Autism Spectrum Disorder….How Can A Speech Pathologist Help?

Much is said in the media about the services available for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but what is out there for adolescents and adults who also struggle with learning, literacy or social communication skills?

Transitions in educational settings or the prospect of seeking or maintaining employment can be anxiety-inducing situations for anyone, but possibly especially so for people on the Autism Spectrum. How do you understand the course material at University or TAFE? How do you learn to write in different styles, such as essays, reports, cover letters or resumes? How do you learn to communicate with others in different situations, such as a group assignment, a job interview or with customers or coworkers? The communication demands of everyday life can place an exceptionally heavy load on those who find learning or interacting with others challenging.

Speech Pathologists are trained to help children, teenagers and adults communicate in everyday life. The skills taught by a Speech Pathologist can include:

  • Language comprehension – spoken and written
  • Language expression – spoken and written
  • Reading – reading accuracy and reading comprehension
  • Writing – spelling and writing styles
  • Social / interpersonal skills – seeing another person’s perspective, conversational skills, understanding and using verbal and nonverbal cues, humour, following ‘social scripts’ (acting appropriately for the situation), disagreeing or interrupting appropriately

These skills are essential for a young person or adult to engage with others and contribute their skills to the outside world.

If you would like more information about how a Speech Pathologist may be able to assist you or someone you know, please contact one of our friendly Speech Pathologists at Speaking of Learning on (03) 9873 7043 or email us using this link: http://www.speakingoflearning.com.au/contact-us